Unlock Your Productivity Potential with 15-Minute Laser Focus Sessions!

  • Tired of feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list?

  • Find yourself drowning in unproductive busy work?

  • Constantly feeling scattered, unfocused, and overwhelmed?


It's time to break free from the cycle and reclaim control of your time and energy.

Introducing 15-minute laser focus sessions!

Here's what you can expect from each session:

  • Identify your top priority

  • Identify what you can Eliminate, Automate, or delegate to reduce unproductive busy work.

  • Make quick progress

  • Spend more time on what matters

  • You’ll leave each session with clarity, time, energy and way less overwhelm.

But don't just take my word for it. Here's what one of my clients, Penny had to say about our coaching sessions:

"Michal wiped from my To-Do list a whole lot of activities and projects that were slowing me down and diluting my sense of accomplishment."

What's included:

12 x 15-minute sessions




Next Steps:

  • Pay via Stripe

  • Access my calendar to book sessions.

  • Join me on Zoom.


It’s allowed to be easy.

It’s allowed to be easy. We’re going to keep it simple and targeted so that you have more time and energy as you work toward your goals.